Covadonga Rodrigo
Covadonga Rodrigo is an associate professor in the Dept. of Computer Languages and Systems (UNED), where she teaches on-line in informatics degrees, master’s and supervises theses. She holds a degree in Telecommunications Engineering and a PhD in 1999. With more than 30 years in academia and research in three different Spanish universities (UPM, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija and UNED), she has also been involved in quality assurance and design of online teaching, being an auditor in institutions in Cyprus, Costa Rica, Greece, UK, Sweden and Switzerland. She has held various academic positions such as Vice-Rector for Technology (2010-2013), member of the Executive Committee in the CRUE ICT – technology sector of the Spanish Rectors’ Conference (2012-2013), Director of the Chair “Digital Inclusion” co-funded by the Vodafone Spain Foundation (2013-2018), and currently Vice-Dean for Research, Transfer and Innovation of the Faculty of Computer Science (2021-). She is an IEEE senior member, EDEN fellow, chairs the Ethics Workgroup in Informatics Europe and co-chairs the research group DiNeLLL (Digital Innovation for iNclusive and Experiential Life Long Learning).
Educational innovation ecosystem based on ethical, inclusive and efficient data science
A learning ecosystem can be broad and rich, full of innovative tools that foster learner interaction and engagement, but these must be fully integrated and adapted to make the environment inclusive and accessible to all. More recently, new AI-based functionalities are bringing to the fore ethical and data privacy issues that need to be addressed and supervised to ensure flexible and highly-personalized, but also secure and reliable learning environments.
Financiado por Fundos Nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., no âmbito dos projetos, UIDB/04372/2020 e UIDP/04372/2020